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The historical development of synthetic leather



? Leather is also very fast development. synthetic leather is one of the them. Synthetic leathers, at times made from plastics, are often used in clothing and fabrics. Artificial leather is marketed under many brands, including "leatherette," "faux leather," "Naugahyde".

? synthetic leather bound books and 20th century cameras are good examples of leatherette. Leatherette clothing of various kinds (including lingerie) also exist. synthetic leather is a form of artificial leather, usually made by covering a fabric base with plastic. The fabric can be made of a natural or a synthetic fibre which is then covered with a soft PVC layer.

? synthetic leather is a fabric or finish intended to substitute for leather in fields such as upholstery, clothing and fabrics, and other uses where a leather-like finish is required but the actual material is cost-prohibitive or unsuitable.